ERFID, Password based Access Control System


This consists of RFID Access Control System, RFID Cards, Electronic Lock, Adaptor and Push Button. With total indegenious design and easy user interface, this product is manufactured in India.

Main Features 

  • Unlock the door by valid RFID card or by entering the correct password.
  • Card capacity : 1000.
  • Modes of Operation : (A) Card OR Password (B) ONLY Card (C) Card AND Password.
  • Fully secure and compatible electronic lock is also provided.
  • Easy process of adding and deleting cards.
  • Can connect exit button and doorbell with this system too.
  • In-built tamper alarm.
  • Card validity feature is also available as an accessory. User can set up the number of days for which cards are active.
  • Easy installation with single power supply for the system as well as the lock.
  • Sleek and attractive design with multiple settings and easy user interface.


  • Electronic Lock
  • Exit Button
  • RFID Cards
  • RFID Keychains
  • RTC for checking Card Validity Period

Technical Specifications

ModelsCapacityAccuracyPlatter Size
SMART-3A3 kg0.2 g215 x 185 mm
SMART-6A6 kg0.5 g215 x 185 mm
SMART-1010 kg1.0 g215 x 185 mm
SMART-2020 kg2.0 g215 x 185 mm